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Story Guidelines

Parent and Teacher Guidelines for using the Dawat ni Zabaan Stories Section
Reading Dawat ni Zaban
  1. If they child does not ‘read’ Dawat ni Zaban yet, play the audio. Sit with the child and gently take their finger or a soft pointer and glide under the words as they are read aloud on aloud on the computer, in the first instance.

  2. Play the audio again and try and get the child to recite together with the audio.

  3. Do not play the audio. You (the teacher) read and encourage the child to read with you or after you

    1. Play and pause the audio in small chunks. Repeat the chunks to fluency (with or without the computer audio). This has significant impact in developing language.

    2. Move to the next chunk/page.

    3. Repeat the whole story if you feel it will be beneficial by supporting the child to read, or asking them to re-read.

  4. Look at words you think are significant and discuss and explain meanings to the child. This can be done at different stages of your progress through reading the story depending on what you feel is best.

  5. A vocabulary list of significant words used in the story is provided. Go over the vocabulary with the child. 

  6. The audio-visual story can also be used independently by children.

    1. If you feel they can tackle the reading themselves, ask them to read it alone and then tell you the story in their own words during a teaching session.

  7. Print out the story and make a bedtime reading collection.

    1. Sit with the child to tell this story

    2. Encourage the child to read these stories independently

Understanding Content
  1. Once you have achieved reading and an initial comprehension stage move towards discussing the story. Provide and overview of the story by re narrating what happened.

  2. Tell the child to tell you the story in his/her own words.

  3. Discuss the story with the child in an encouraging and positive way.

  4. Praise attempts to answer and discuss your questions.



  1. Encourage the child to do the worksheets. Both online and printable worksheets are provided.

    1. The online worksheets are graded, and the correct answers are provided if answered incorrectly.  ​

  2. It is encouraged to do the written worksheets, because they will provide Dawat ni Zabaan writing practice. Sit with the child if necessary to help them to write.

  3. Review their worksheets and give praise, and guidance towards corrections as needed.

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